Cooking App for College Students
Purpose: My team and I are conducting a survey to help create a social media-infused cooking app! This app will help create recipes based on the food you have in your refrigerator/pantry. Users may also create their recipes or explore different creations from other chefs. As more users post their recipes through the app, the user will have a wider recommendation list and collection to choose from. In addition, users can follow other chefs and receive notifications for recipes that they have created! By liking, saving, and replying to each other's recipes, we want to create a fun environment for all chefs to share their creations! Our target population is college students but we would love to see others who are open to trying our app.

Procedure: You are being asked to participate in this online survey. We will ask you questions about your experiences and opinions. This survey is meant to be informative – there are no right or wrong answers. It should take no longer than 5 to 15 minutes. It will be recording your responses.

Confidentiality: Your email address is only used to limit responses to 1 per email address. We will use the data you give us, along with the information we collect from other participants, to design better technologies. To ensure confidentiality, we will not associate your name with your data.

Freedom to Withdraw: Participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw from the activity at any time without penalty.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or comments, you may contact,, or
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