空中畫布是由Noir Fix及Yisi共同創立的組織,我們主持過多種不同的繩縛活動,包括繩
Welcome to the Suspended Canvas, an organization created by Noir Fix and Yisi.
We host a variety of events, including figure drawing sessions, self- suspension
workshops, open practice salons, and performances. Our events revolve around
themes such as rope, self-suspension, and aerial arts.
認識 Yisi
了更多的研究。我找到了 Shay Tiziano 的社交賬號,對她的作品印象深刻,我也想嘗試
Instagram 帳號 @yisi_selfties。最初,我只發佈裝飾性綁法的照片,隨著時間的推移,
一個可以直接坐上的金屬圈。 然而,對我來說,繩子不僅僅是一個器械,它也是一個夥
伴,當我綁繩時,我喜歡感受它在我身上的觸感。 我將它帶給我的疼痛視為一種挑戰。
1. 安全與保護
2. 我在教什麼?這些技術的來源?學習自縛懸吊與學習繩縛有何不同?
3. 自縛者的單環綁法
4. 自縛者如何綁繩懸吊的上升繩
5. 只使用單環綁法開始懸吊
6. 單環綁法的旋轉流程
7. 髖部吊帶:如何綁繩及如何用其進行懸吊
8. 安全倒掛在髖部吊帶上
9. 使用剩餘的繩子來創造更多形狀以及如何鎖住剩餘的繩子以便快速解開
10. 使用髖部吊帶、單環綁法和剩餘繩子的初學者旋轉流程
除非 Yisi 或 Noir Fix 給予綠燈,否則在懸吊前,務必讓工作人員檢查你的上升繩。
即使你有繩縛經驗,也請遵守這個規則,我們並不了解你的繩縛水平。一旦 Yisi 或
Noir Fix 給予綠燈,你就不必再等待工作人員檢查你的上升繩。
Yisi、Noir Fix 及其他工作人員不對自縛懸吊練習中可能發生的任何受傷、損害或事故負
Meet Yisi
I discovered shibari 4 years ago in Taiwan, I loved being tied up. For me, shibari
was a mysterious and high skilled practice, so when I heard that some people
were suspending themselves, I immediately got intrigued and did more research. I
found the social accounts of Shay Tiziano and was so impressed by her work, I
wanted to do self-suspension too!
At the time, self-suspension wasn’t as developed and “famous” so I gather
whatever shibari tutorials I could find and practiced on myself. I started by doing
lots of decorative ties and it’s around this time that I opened my instagram account
@yisi_selfties. At the very beginning I only posted decorative ties and then I
started to be more and more confident in my tying skills. Very soon I was self-
suspending at every rope jams. It was at a time I didn’t have my own studio so I
could only practice during rope jams. My self-suspension style was heavily
influenced by shibari, I would barely spin or move around in my ropes.
My current self-suspension style started to develop when I joined aerial classes
(aerial rope, aerial straps, aerial hoop and aerial hammock). From joining these
classes, I started to gain strength and confidence in moving my body on an
apparatus. I now view ropes as my apparatus, similar to other aerial apparatus.
The difference is that, with ropes, you have to build that support for your body,
it’s not just a metal ring that you can sit on. However, to me, rope is also more
than an apparatus, it’s a partner, when I tie, I love feeling it on my body. I see the
pain that it gives me as a challenge.
I absolutely love minimalist ties, for me, the less ropes the better. However the
less ropes the more painful it becomes. I really enjoy playing with this balance.
In self-suspension, there are a lot of trial and errors, you are in charge of your own
well-being and you get direct feedback back from your body. In that way, you can
make mistakes and correct them instantly, you can feel placement error, tension
error etc. I think that it is the reason why self-suspension is so much easier than
tying someone (this is a personal opinion of course). And that is also the reason
why you can progress much faster in comparison to learning shibari.
Content of the Workshop
1. Safety and spotting
2. What am I teaching? Where does it come from? How is learning self-
suspension different from learning Shibari?
3. Single column ties for the self-suspender
4. Tying up-lines as a self-suspender
5. Starting to fly using only single column ties
6. Single column tie spinning flow
7. Hip harness: how to tie it and how to suspend with it
8. Inverting safely with the hip harness
9. Using leftover rope to create more shapes and how to lock the leftover rope
for quick release
10. Beginner spinning flow with hip harness, single column tie, and leftover rope
The exact content will depend on the students' learning level and pace. We may
not reach point number 10.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
This workshop is designed for people with zero rope experience or aerial
experience. You don’t need to be flexible or strong. People with experience are
also welcome to join as well. We will go through the very basics, things you
probably know how to tie as a rigger already, however we will see everything from
the perspective of self-suspension and you will definitely learn new things.
What are the prerequisites for joining this workshop? What should participants
You don’t need to be fit but you should have an overall good body condition,
please don’t join this class if you have an injury that could be worsened by
physical activities. Self-suspension can be tiring so remember to bring a water
bottle and a snack.
I always suggest tight yoga clothes for practicing self-suspension, however, if you
know that you have very sensitive skin, or low pain tolerance, don’t hesitate to
wear thicker clothes like jeans. If you wear too loose or fragile fabric it might get
caught in the ropes or get damaged by the friction of the ropes.
You will be in groups of 2 during the workshop, alternating between practicing
and spotting your partner.
You will need about 4 ropes suitable for suspension. It is better to have 4 ropes
per person but if you don’t have enough ropes you can share them with your
Safety guidelines for self-suspension
Have a qualified spotter and safety shears nearby any time you practice
Use ropes that are designed for suspension and in good quality
Know your limits: if you think that you need extra assistance to attempt the
exercises given in class, don’t hesitate to ask! Don’t attempt something that
you don’t feel confident doing.
Know your body’s limits and any physical conditions or injuries that might
affect your ability to suspend safely. Ask us beforehand if you are not sure the
workshop is suitable for you.
Pay attention to circulation, numbness, tingling or other signs of discomfort
during suspension.
Do not suspend more than 5 minutes at a time.
Unless Yisi or Noir Fix gives you the green light, always have a member of the
staff check your uplines before suspending. Follow this rule even if you have
rope experience please, we do not know your rope level. Once Yisi or Noir Fix
gives you the green light, you won’t have to wait for someone to come check
your uplines again.
This list is not exhaustive, and there may be additional safety considerations
depending on your specific circumstances and experience level. Always prioritize
safely and use your best judgment.
Yisi, Noir Fix and the other staff members cannot be held responsible for any
injuries, harm, or accidents that may occur when practicing self-suspension.
Individuals who choose to engage in self-suspension do so at their own risk.