Online Family Trivia Night: Potter in Love!
We're excited to host another in our series of Potter Family Trivia nights! Questions will be based on relationships in Potter books and films. This will include any type of relationship in the book, including parents and significant others. This will take place on Thurs. Feb. 11th at 7:00pm. There will be prizes for the top teams.

To play you will need to have an internet connection and you will need TWO devices.  We recommend a computer and a phone or tablet however any two devices will work (note: phones such as iphone 4 and older don't seem to work well).  

You will log into a private Zoom call with a required password on your 1st device where you will see the host and the game board  displayed.  On your second device you will go to the website and this device will act as your controller or you can download the Kahoot! app.  All links and info will be emailed to you by the morning of game night.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Family Team Name (16 characters only please) *
Adult Contact for Team *
Number of children playing *
Number of adults playing *
Phone #: *
Alternate Phone #:
If you  live in Peterborough County, your team has a shot at the prizes! If you win, where would you prefer to pick up your prize? *
How did you hear about the program? *
Would you like to receive our monthly eNewsletter which includes information on upcoming children's programming? *
Would you like to share any ideas you have for other online programs that we can offer during these times?
Anything else you'd like to share? Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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