It’s coming. Can you feel it?

An unholy mix of passion, obsession, competition, and movie trivia that we call the Fantastic Feud! Since 2007, every Fantastic Fest has seen a motley assemblage of special guests indulge in their basest instincts as they battle it out to see who is best able to recall release dates, billing order, and behind-the-scenes factoids.
Two teams. One night. No survivors.

In order to present the most fantastic of feuds, we request that all festival goers and genre fans alike delve into their souls and respond to the following questionnaire. Think deep, answer true, then find out what answers make it to the big board on Monday, September 25th!

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Most Underrated William Friedkin Film
Evilest Rich People
Cinematic Version of Hell You Wouldn’t Mind Suffering In For All Eternity
Worst FRIDAY THE 13TH Entry
Favorite Genre Film Composer
Hardest-To-Watch Scene of Eye Trauma
Funniest Post-Apocalypse
Spookiest Ghost
Best Non-October Month To Release Horror Movies
Scariest On-Screen Depiction of New York City
Weirdest Superhero
What Was The First Paul Reubens Project You Saw?
Once and For All, Who’s The Best Motion Picture Martial Artist?
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