Torch Application Form Fall 2022
Whether you're new or have been with us for awhile, please fill this out if you'd like to stay on board! Thank you.
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Email *
Full Name *
SJU Email.   *
Preferred contact email (this is how editors will contact you so make sure it is one you check often!).     *
Are you comfortable working remotely? *
Phone Number *
X-Number *
Full name as you would like it to appear in the paper and online (this is how we will credit your work) *
Graduation Year *
Major and/or Minors *
Relation to The Torch *
Social media handles—this is so we can tag you when we post your work (for example, "Instagram: @sju_torch, Twitter: @sjutorch") *
If you selected "New to The Torch" choose how you would like to contribute (you may select more than one) *
If you selected writer/reporter, please select which sections you would like to contribute to *
Any previous journalism/writing/designing/photography experience you want us to know about? This is not required but helpful for us to know.
Any specific interests that you would like us to know about? This is just so that we can get to know you all a little bit better.     *
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