RSVP -  Understanding Learners: Inclusive and Culturally Responsive Tutoring and Mentoring
As Wesleyan students who tutor or mentor young people, you have to constantly adapt to different situations. Children have different learning needs and respond best to different teaching strategies. This workshop is designed by College of Education Studies faculty to help you better create inclusive learning environments for all young people. Topics covered may include the continuum of disability, executive function, literacy skills, cultural barriers, task analysis, and Universal Design for Learning. Participants will learn more about the special education field, different models for learning, and will leave with strategies to use in the classroom.

Thursday, March 31, 2022
12:00-1:00 pm
Allbritton 311
Lunch provided
Open to all Wesleyan students who work with young people.

Amy Grillo, Associate Professor of the Practice in Education Studies
Rachel Besharat Mann, Visiting Assistant Professor of Education Studies
Shannon Kelley, Visiting Faculty in Education Studies

Please RSVP by Monday, March 28.

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Email *
Name *
Class Year *
What student groups, service-learning courses, or nonprofits do you volunteer your time with?
How familiar are you with Inclusive and Culturally Responsive Teaching? *
We want to tailor this workshop to your needs! Please share an example of how you see this topic manifested in your work. *
For example, do parents tell you about their children's disabilities, have you made accommodations for children, or do you struggle to find strategies that work for all the young people you work with?
Do you have any specific questions about any of these topics that you'd like our presenters to address?
Do you plan on attending this workshop on 3/31? *
Lunch will be served, do you have any dietary restrictions?
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