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I'm offering sessions on the East Coast of Australia (and Tasmania) in 2023

Touring Dates: 
Melbourne: 24th-27th Feb 
Newcastle: 1st March - 19th March 
Hobart: 21st March - 30th March
Northern Rivers: April 22nd - August 1st
Bellingen/Coffs Harbour: August 2023
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About Tantra Massage 
About my approach to SOMA SOUL Tantra Massage :

My Offerings:

~Tier 1 offering ~
~Soma Soul Tantra Massage Initial Bodywork/ Consult ~ 90 mins $150 
Fully clothed session including Shiatsu bodywork, Emotional release practices and opportunity to clarify ad ground into the - essential for first time clients.

Soma Soul Tier 1 sessions may be repeated after initial 90 min session.

~Tier 2 offering ~ 60 min $250 
for clients who have received at least one session
Includes full Integrative Soma Soul bodywork with options for full body mapping, pleasure and sensation mapping and integrative practices. Full body oil massage.

~ Tier 2 offering ~ 90 min $350 
for clients who have received at least one initial consult session
Includes Integrative Soma Soul bodywork with options for full body mapping, pleasure and sensation mapping and integrative practices. Full body oil massage.

Integrative Soma Soul bodywork - bodywork to integrate aspects of the soma, psyche and sexual bodies within the container of the session. This unique session offers an opportunity to directly access and integrate aspects of the conscious, unconscious, mind and body, heart and soul, light and shadows within the client.

My Training is extensively in bodywork, emotional release, somatic embodiment and sacred sexuality, having  trained in Traditional Shiatsu bodywork and therapy with bodywork masters, Tantra and Practitioner Training with world renown tantra bodywork Practitioners. I have 7 years of experience and practice in these fields. 

Each session is unique and tailored to the intent of the client. Within the session there will be opportunities to check in with consent and boundaries as they emerge, and the session will follow the individuals needs as they arise.

Sessions always include:

~Intentions, Boundary setting, initial consult. 
~Guided meditation and breath practices for regulating the nervous system, settling and calming the body 
~Full bodywork including elemental touch, grounding, activating (sometimes intense) and nourishing all parts of the body within set boundaries. 
~Guidance to release emotional triggers, tension and stuck energy in the emotional, psychological and physical bodies. 
~Bringing awareness and aliveness to the body through active awareness and loving presence
~A calming deep relaxation closure to the session for integration.

My approach to offering this service:

My approach to Sacred Spot Massage is to offer complete loving presence in service to the wisdom of SOMA (the body) as a wise and responsive source of living information, experience and aliveness. In order to touch in deep presence, I listen and respond directly to Soma.

As Somatic memories are stored in the living flesh of each being, working with the body through bodywork, emotional release and full system regulation is an integrative approach to bodywork on a deep and profound level. My approach works with the understanding of a multi- dimensional approach to the lived embodied experience, including the emotional, physical, psychological and energetic bodies. 

Why receive a Soma Soul Session ?

~Activate more life force in the body

~ Reconnecting the physical, emotional and psychological bodies to become more present in life, relationships and work

~Lost sensitivity in genital area, desire to regain sensitivity, arousal and pleasure

~Working to prolong sexual energy 

~To move through physical and emotional numbness, activation or agitation

~Emotional and physical scarring from miscarriage, abortion, sexual trauma

~Empowering Boundary Setting, Consent and Authentic Communication 

~Genital mapping and education 

~Somatic holistic approach to navigating emotional distress 

~ Getting help to navigate significant life transitions 

~Curiosity to explore deeper layers of embodied self and soul through nourishing bodywork 

Note: Each session will be guided by the clients intentions, and there is never an expectation that a session will always involve genital touch. The session is about working with what is authentic to the expression of the clients during the session. A very powerful session can occur with no genital touch at all, and is often one of the most profound experiences, especially for working within authentic boundary setting and communication.

Have you received a Tantra Massage before ?  *
Which is your preferred session time ? *
What is your preferred time and date for a future session during my travel tour ? (*Note prices subject to change after March)
What are your Intentions, expectations for the session?
Please let me know any physical ailments, including injury, chronic dis-ease and any skin conditions or allergies (I mainly use virgin coconut oil, and can switch if there is an allergy)
Do you have any cold or flu symptoms, or have had direct contact with anyone presenting these symptoms in the week prior to this session? 
(Please notify me before the session if this changes)
This practice is a sacred experience guided by the wisdom of your Soma and Soul, and I want you to understand that your boundaries and authentic experience is the most important part of receiving a session. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact me for a check in call before the session and I am happy to talk through the session. I look forward to our session together and meeting you in person! *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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