Spirit Of Bohemia Mining Days Volunteer Application
The Spirit of BMD is a festive flea market that brings together the rich heritage and lively spirit of Cottage Groves history. Set in a charming wild west themed environment, this event is the ghostly tribute for our beloved annual festival. July 19-20, 2024
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Name *
First and Last name
Email *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
Address  *
Emergency Contact Information *
Please check the areas you are interested in volunteering for please *
Are you available for the entire duration of the BMD event? IF NO, please select days available. *
Volunteer T-Shirt Size (Unisex) *
Do you have any previous volunteer experience? If yes, please describe.
Do you have any specific skills or qualifications that will be beneficial to the event? Please describe.
Why do you want to volunteer for Spirit of Bohemia Mining Days?
Do you have any medical conditions or allergies that we should be aware of?
Do you have any special requests or accommodations while volunteering?
Preferred Contact Method *
Agreement and Signature

By signing below, I confirm that the information I provided is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my role as a volunteer may include physical activity, and i agree to follow all safety guidelines, responsibilities and incrustations provided by the event organizers. 

Please sign with Name and Date.
Parent/Guardian Consent (if under 18)

I give permission for my child to volunteer at Spirit of Bohemia Mining Days. I understand that my child will be under the supervision of event staff. I as a parent will go over the safety guidelines with my child.

Please sign with Name and Date.
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