RR Alumni Info
Rebel Regiment Alumnus/Alumna?...We're glad your here!

Please share a little information about yourself so we--Rebel Band Booster Club--may contact you with Rebel Regiment news, special events, and other information.  We're just getting our Alumni Group started, so we'd appreciate any input as to what may interest you as a former member of the Rebel Regiment.

Keep up with the current edition of the Rebel Regiment at byrnesband.org.
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First Name *
Maiden Name
Feel free to include a maiden name to help others remember you from your Rebel Regiment days.
Last Name *
Mobile Phone
Home Phone
Email Address *
Years in the Rebel Regiment
We know you want to write "the best years of my life!"...but something like "1986-89" will do...
Instrument(s), Guard, Drum Major, Props, etc.
Fondest Memory of the Rebel Regiment
Suggestions for the Rebel Regiment Alumni Group
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