San Mateo Area / San Francisco Bay Area  - Paid Focus Group on Health and Wellness. Thursday, 3/21 and Friday, 3/22 during business hours.  90 Minute Session pays $150
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First/ Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
1.  What is your gender?  
2.  What is your age? *

3.    What is your employment status?


4.    What is the highest level of education you have achieved?


5.    Which of the following describes your total annual household income before taxes? 


6.    Which of the following best describes your race/ethnic background?


7.    How much of the actual grocery shopping do you, yourself, do for your household?

8.  In the past 12 months, have you personally used or taken any of the following? 
9. Do you use or take any of the following types of supplements on a regular basis? 

10.        Do you eat any of the following types of functional foods for health and wellness purposes on a regular basis?

11.  Which, if any, of the following grocery products have you PURCHASED in the past 6 months? 
12. Which, if any, of the following grocery products have you CONSUMED in the past 6 months? 

13.        What is your experience using the following for health and wellness benefits?  

Use currently
Have used in the past
Have never used, but am interested in learning more
Have never used, and don’t plan to in the future
Apple cider vinegar
Coconut / MCT oil
Green tea
14.  Which of the following brand’s products have you purchased in the past 6 months? 

15.        Please tell me which of the following best describes you:  


16.        How comfortable are you expressing your opinions in a group situation?


17.        Describe your favorite all-natural, food-related health and wellness hack or ritual.  Describe it in detail along with any details you’d include in a recommendation to a good friend. (Be as detailed as possible here)


1.    Please tell us how much you agree with each of the following statements about your health.

Please use a 7-point scale to rate how much you agree with each statement. A 7 means you “Agree Completely” with the statement, while a 1 means you “Disagree Completely” with the statement. Choose a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 if you feel in-between.

I am able to live a healthy life without too much effort
I often get off track with my health
I think about how the food I put in my body affects how I feel
If I could just take a pill and get all the nutrition need, I would
I don't eat a healthy enough diet / should eat better
I will eat or drink something that doesn't taste good if it has health benefits
I don't always know if the supplements I take are benefitting me
I like to experiment with new supplements to see if they improve my health
I believe taking supplements is a critical part of a healthy lifestyle
I trust my doctors / believe that they know what's best for me
I avoid taking prescription medications whenever possible
I've dealt with a lot of side effects and other issues when taking medications
I try to solve my own health issues before seeing a doctor
Regularly going to the doctor is an important part of maintaining good health
I like to pay attention to what's popular and follow trends
I tend to look on the brighter side of things
I often feel overwhelmed by what’s going on in my life
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