Body measurements for improving garment designs - Yarnandy
This small, independent study aims to generate a set of body measurements across the whole range of body shapes and sizes that will be used in the design of crochet and knitting garments that fit a diverse set of people. 

All numbers you provide are anonymous and will be processed in bulk. If you subscribe to email updates using the links at the end of this form, your personal information will not be linked to the data you enter in this form.

The form will remain open until the end of 2023. 

The results will be processed over time, once a month, and a graph will be updated on this page with the results.

The results will be used to create trend lines that can be used to design well-fitting garments in crochet, knitting or Tunisian crochet.

You will need a measuring tape and possibly a friend to help with some of the measurements.

Use the drawing for each step as a guide for the measurement.

The more information you provide, the better the model will be.

Please only fill out this form once for each person that you measure (including yourself) and share this form with other makers you know who would like to contribute.

Thank you for your help and participation!

Andrea Crețu - crochet and Tunisian crochet designer at
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Do you agree for this data to be used as per the description above? *
Which units will you use? *
A. Neck circumference
Place the tape at the bottom of your neck, where it touches the shoulder, then measure around.
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B. Armscye circumference
Place the tape at the top of your shoulder and go around the arm, vertically, measuring around.
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C. Bicep circumference
Flex your arm. Place the tape on your arm where the arm touches your torso and measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground. 
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D. Elbow circumference
Place the tape on your arm at elbow level and measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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E. Wrist circumference
Place the tape at the end of your arm, before the widening of the hand, and measure around.
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F. Shoulder circumference
Place the tape at the top of your bust, where the arm touches the torso, and measure around both your arms and your torso.
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G. Shoulder length
Place the tape at the bottom of your neck, where it touches the shoulder, then measure to the end of your shoulder.
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H. Shoulder width
Place the tape at the top of one shoulder and measure to the top of the other shoulder, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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I. Arm length
Place the tape at the top of your shoulder and measure along the arm, going above the elbow, until the wrist.
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J. Upper bust circumference
Place the tape at the top of your bust, where the arm touches the torso, and measure only around your torso, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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K. Bust circumference
Place the tape at the fullest part of your bust and measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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L. Under bust circumference
Place the tape right under the bust and measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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M. Waist circumference
Place the tape at the natural waist, then measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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N. High hip circumference
Place the tape at the top of your hip bone, then measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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O. Full hip circumference
Place the tape at the fullest part of your hip/seat and measure around, keeping the tape parallel to the ground.
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P. Back length to waist
Place the tape at the bottom of your neck, on the back, then measure down to the natural waist.
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Q. Back length to high hip
Place the tape at the bottom of your neck, on the back, then measure down to the natural high hip.
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R. Back length to full hip
Place the tape at the bottom of your neck, on the back, then measure down to the full hip.
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Do you consent for the data you provided to be used in another similar survey, with the same purpose as this one?
Cari Jehlik is running a similar survey with more details. You can find it here and use this data to fill out that survey, plus answer some extra questions. 
If you consent below, I will share the anonymous data you provided with Cari for further processing by her.
That's it!
Thank you for filling out this form and offering essential information to designers, so you can have better fitting patterns for garments in the future!

If you want to keep in touch and find out when each update to the measurements is finished, subscribe to my email updates (which I send out once a week with general news) or, if you are a designer or just interested in this and other design-specific topics, subscribe to the designer updates.
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