2024-2025 School Year - Student Absent Notification
Please complete this form for EACH Day that your child is absent from school.  This form must be completed from a parent/guardian email and NOT the student's email.  The form should be completed on the morning of the day the student intends to be absent from school.  Upon returning to school, the student shall bring with them a signed doctor note or parent's note for each absence.  The student will show the note to each of their teachers and get it signed by each teacher.  At the end of the school day the student will drop off the note to a staff member in the General Office - Room 119.  Thank you!
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Parent Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's OSIS (School ID) Number *
Parent Cell Phone Number  *
Reason for Absence - Reminder: upon return to school, your child needs to bring a signed parent or doctor's note to school. *
If Reason for Absence is Special Circumstances or Other, please use below to explain.
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