RI Philharmonic Orchestra Link Up 2024 The Orchestra Sings: Student Evaluation
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Name *
Grade *
Did you enjoy learning to play the recorder and learning to sing? *
Did you learn a lot from this program? *
Do you want to learn to play another instrument? *
Do you want to go to the Link Up Concert next year? *
Did the music make you think about the world in a new way? *
If you answered yes to the last question, what makes you say that?
In this section, we have a few short answer questions. Please use full sentences and be as specific as possible.
Name two or three things you liked about your rehearsals and getting ready for the concert (remember, please use full sentences and be as specific as possible) *
What was the most important thing you learned? *
Was there an important piece of music or moment from Link Up that you enjoyed? What was it and what was special about it? *
What's something you wish about this program? *
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
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