2024 ELA Standard Review/Revision
Thank you for showing an interest in bringing your expertise to the 2024 ELA Standard Review/Revision.  All individuals will be notified by Joann McRell before December 1.  A careful selection of the 2024 ELA Standard Review team is based upon expertise in knowledge of ELA standard strands, grades taught, pedagogy, and Kansas State Board of Education district.  This form will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.  Applications will close October 15, 2022.
First Name *
Last name *
Primary email *
What expertise do you bring? *
Why are you interested in serving on the K-12 ELA Standard Review/Revision team? *
What standards do you believe need revision?  Why? *
Within what Kansas State Board of Education district do you teach? (These have recently changed. Please  use the school district list to select the correct KSBOE district:   https://www.ksde.org/Portals/0/Board/Documents/USDs%20by%20State%20Bd%20Dist%202018%202.pdf) *
Captionless Image
USD number and name (i.e. 253 Emporia) *
What certifications do you presently hold? *
Current title(s)  *
Current grade assignment *
Grades TAUGHT only (Please include grades taught throughout your career, except student teaching.) *
Number of years in the classroom (Do not include years as an  administrator, curriculum leader, or instructional coach) *
What other committees have you worked on in your building, district, or state? *
Number of years in a support or administrative position  (Principal, instructional coach, curriculum director, etc. ) *
Cell number (i.e. 785.296.2144) *
Home street address (i.e. 900 SW Jackson) *
City (i.e. Topeka) *
State (i.e. Kansas) *
ZIP code (i.e. 66612) *
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