MemPang23 Workshop Application
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First Name *
Last Name  *
Email Address *
Affiliation (University/Company Name/etc.) *
Residential Address (on campus address if living at school) *
Country of Origin
Preferred Pronouns 
Degree (current or latest received)  *
Current Title (e.g. Research Assistant, PostDoctoral Candidate, etc.)  *
Do you need financial support?  *
If you do need support, please elaborate on what kind/why:
Why do you want to learn about pangenomics? Provide any background that you think might be relevant (max 200 words) *
What is your github user name?
What is your twitter handle?
What programming languages do you code in?
Are you currently working on a project related to pangenomics?
If you are working on a pangenomics project, please include a project abstract, links, DOIs etc. below
Are you comfortable working with the Linux command line?
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