Coffee Chat and Connection Call
Hi! I'd love to get to know you a little better before our call. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. I look forward to chatting!
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Email *
Name *
Pronouns *
Email Address *
Tell me a little about yourself. *
What is a challenge/struggle you are facing in business or life right now? *
How can I support you? No ask is too big or too small and I will do my best to meet it :) *
How did we get connected? *
If someone referred you, who can I thank?
I firmly believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion and am committed to dismantling ALL systems of oppression. I only collaborate with folks who share similar values. Are we on the same page? *
Note: Our call may be recorded for my own reference. Any recordings will not be shared publicly without your express consent. *
Would you like to be added to my mailing list? 
I share anecdotes and personal stories from my adventures as a small business owner and world traveler.
Thank you! You will find a link to schedule a chat once you submit this form.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you soon :)
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