Stone Soup LOVE BRIGADE Youth Leader Camp Application Form
Camp takes place over 2 days at RFK Learning Complex 1pm-7pm. Thurs June 20th and Fri June 21st

IF YOU GOT QUESTIONS WE GOT ANSWERS!! Contact us for any additional needs or information:


We are young and old. All different shapes and sizes. Our adult members have been working with youth for the past 35 years, and collectively, we have over 150 yrs experience. Working with, training, organizing, co-leading with youth from all backgrounds and walks of life, we excluded no one and we are everyone! We are as young as 8 and old as 53, we are mostly women of color, we are families of all shapes and sizes. We are you.


  • Have FUN meet other young people like yourself, share stories and experiences
  • LEARN and practice the Stone Soup organizing model
  • CONNECT with community leaders who care about climate chaos
  • TAKE ACTION together to raise awareness about climate chaos

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First name
Last name
Home address (street, city, zip code)
Cell phone number
Email address
Name and phone number for parent/guardian
Email address for parent/guardian
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Is there anything we should be aware of to better support your learning style or access needs? (ok to leave blank)
What school do you currently go to?
Thank you! We will contact you shortly regarding your application. For questions, email us at
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