Daily Debriefs Sign-up

On 29 March 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution requesting the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to issue an Advisory Opinion (AO) on States’ obligations regarding climate change. The International Court of Justice now has, for the first time in history, the mandate to address the legal obligations of States with regard to climate change. The Court has a total number of  91 written submissions from States and IGOs. The oral hearings are scheduled to start on 2nd December 2024. This is a critical moment in the process. The Court is set to hear oral submissions from over 100 States and IGOs from the 2nd to the 14th of December 2024.

To socialise the technical & legal oral arguments by States and IOs a small team coordinated by legal experts from WYCJ & CIEL working with a few public international lawyers from the AO Alliance will carry out a top-line analysis of the arguments at the end of each day of the hearing. We will share these daily debriefs via a daily email bulletin for the duration of the hearings. These daily debriefs will also be available on WYCJ's webpage (link will be displayed in the e-bulletin). 

If you are interested in getting this daily email bulletin of the top-line analysis and daily debriefs of the oral arguments please sign up here - https://www.wy4cj.org/icjao-oral-hearings-debrief 

*the information you submit below will be for internal use only. It will remain confidential and will not be shared with any third-party at any point.

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Are you interested in getting top-line analysis and daily debriefs of the ICJ AO oral hearings on CC at the end of  each day of the hearings? *
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