48th Ward Neighbors for Justice
New member on-boarding form
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First and Last Name *
Pronouns (e.g. she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, he/him/his, etc)
Address *
Phone Number *
Email *
What issues do you care about in the 48th Ward? *
How do you want to be involved with 48th Ward Neighbors for Justice?
What skills and/or connections can you bring to the group? (e.g. other organizational affiliations, graphic design, video editing, education experience, etc)
What are your accessibility needs for participation? (e.g. child care or parent-friendly scheduling, captioning or interpretation, etc)
Would you like to schedule a 1:1 chat or a bi-weekly small group "coffee chat" with a steering committee member of 48th WN4J about how to plug in?
If yes, do you prefer to have a 1::1 with someone who shares a particular identity?
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