✨ 1:1 Feminine Mentorship with Sophie Josephina ✨ (the application form)

Hi my love ✨!!

Yay!! I am now taking applications for private work with me🥳

And this feels so exciting cause my private work spots are incredibly limited. I only work privately with a handful of beautiful full-body divinely guided yes people based on this application

So if you've felt the whispers, if you've felt the calling to claim one of these spots.. I am truly deeply honoured🙇‍♀️. 

The upcoming questions are for me to feel deeper into you, but more importantly, for you to feel deeper into yourself. So.. I invite you to let go of giving the 'right' answers, and feel into your body and heart for what is truly alive..

I cant wait to FEEL you and see what magic we will create together..

- Sophie ✨

ps: these spots are both for those interested in support for love/relationships/polarity/life/feminine living as well as those looking for business mentoring

pps: if spots are full, you will be offered a spot on the waiting list at current prices (prices will go up in Q2)
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Email *
Your name darling *
And your Instagram handle: *

⁠Tell me more about you honey.. what is your story?🌹


⁠What brings you here? What top 3 things would you love more support/guidance/activation/transformation in?

What would you like this mentorship to focus most on *
⁠What is sky daddy asking from you in this moment in your life? What is this chapter all about? *
Why now? 🔮

Why me?


⁠Have you received private coaching or mentorship before? What worked for you? What did not?

It's important you know a little bit about how I work..

I'm not here to save you, mommy you or entertain you. I don't do pedestaling, victimhood, chasing, or people who "just want to work with me". 

Because you are soooo much more powerful than that love.. and I am here to remind you of that sacred power and knowing as you come home into yourself.. 🙇‍♀️

How do you feel about making a 4 or 5 figure investment into you?  (I offer different pricing tiers and we will together find what works best for you)

How full body fuck yes all in are you for this?
Anything else you'd like me to know or ask love 🥰
thank you so much darling for your openness, excitement and trusting the whispers! I am already so looking forward to the magic we get to create together!

We will soon be in touch yay!  🥳

- Sophie✨
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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