Facilitator & Artist Application Form
Welcome to the Pura Vida Festival Retreat 2025 which will take place from 12 - 15 June 2025 at Wir bauen Zukunft close to Berlin and Hamburg. If you are interested to host a workshop or to offer a performance at the festival or future events, please fill in this form. We are looking for facilitators that help us on our mission to build critical consciousness, facilitate connection and enable positive action towards social, political, economic, and ecological transformation.  We are looking forward to get to know to you!

Application Deadline 31.12.2024
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile phone number with international prefix (Germany +49)
Who are you? Please provide a short bio. If you are 2 Facilitators, then please provide it for both.
Questions about your workshop or performance or art
What is the name of your workshop or performance? (Title / Name)
In which language(s) can you offer the workshop or performance?
Please describe your workshop, performance, art or music offering in a few words.
What is the aim of your workshop? What is the one thing that will have shifted in the field as a result of your contribution?
Link with the Pura Vida Festival Retreat mission, from your perspective. 
Please provide a link to your work (e.g. website or soundcloud,...)
Please add your Instagram name
Thank you so much for your interest in our festival, and for filling in this form! We will get back to you if we are interested in your offerings, but be aware, that we receive many applications and it might take some time to reply. See you soon - Pura Vida!!
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