Service Dog Academy Volunteer Application
Our goal is to place each volunteer in a position that would be best suited to their skills.
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Name *
Spouse/Partner Name
Address *
City, State, Zip *
Home Phone *
Work Phone
Cell Phone *
Email Address *
Employer *
If you are employed, please describe your job and your work environment.
Are you a student?  If so please provide the school and grade level.
Are you 18 years or older *
Drivers License Number
I am available *
My volunteering is a requirement for *
Number of hours I would like to volunteer per week *
Check any and all activities for which you are interested in volunteering *
What personal experience qualifies you for the position in which you are volunteering for? *
How did you hear about us *
Why do you want to volunteer for Service Dog Academy *
I agree to use non violent training and handling methods with the puppies I interact with. *
I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth by Service Dog Academy and hereby agree to return all equipment at the conclusion of the program.  In consideration of, and as inducement to the acceptance of my application for volunteering, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Service Dog Academy, Mary McNeight and their officers, directors, instructors, agents, employees and/or representatives harmless of any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family, or accompanying guests of mine, injury, expense, costs or damages to myself, or any handler sponsored by me, arising out of or in connection with or in any way related to training, even though the liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the individuals or entities released in this Waiver and Release.I agree that I will defend and indemnify the Service Dog Academy, Mary McNeight and their officers, directors, instructors, agents, employees and/or representatives for any injury, expense, costs or damages to any dog handlers or dogs, whether sponsored by me or not, or to third parties arising out of my own actions or the actions of the dog I am interacting with.I agree that the risks of training and volunteering have been fully explained to me, and I have been advised to consult with my veterinarian regarding the health risks involved.I also understand that the Service Dog Academy, Mary McNeight may use for publicity or promotional purposes, my name and pictures of me or of my dog without liability or obligation to me. I have read, understand and agree to the above. *
Do you have any further comments?
Are there any special considerations we should be aware of?
Electronically Signed On: *
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