Grade 9 Course Preference Form, 22-23 Bisbee High School (in District and Out-of-District)
Hello, Rising Freshmen!

This is a Course request form and questionnaire for incoming Bisbee High School students who will be in Grade 9 in the coming school year.

Consider this to be like an interview with your School Counselor, Ms Asaro, especially since we can't have these meetings in person this year!

Please Note: This form is for course preference selection only and does not take the place of school registration.

Copy/paste the following link for online registration through ZippSlip:

 or contact the District Office at 519 West Melody Lane. 520-432-5381 for more info.

This form will ask you many questions about your academic progress so far, as well as your interests.  Please take the time to carefully read and complete this form with a parent or guardian.

Your answers will help me to learn more about your accomplishments, struggles and interests, and will help me (and PowerSchool) in creating the best possible schedule for you for the coming school year!

So, sit down, get comfortable, and get started (and please reach out if you need help:!

Thank you!

Ms Maria Asaro
Bisbee High School Counselor

Ginene Nicoll
co-School Counselor

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1. Haga clic derecho y seleccione la opción Traducir.
2. Si su dispositivo aún no está configurado para traducir al español, siga las instrucciones para seleccionar el idioma "traducir a".
3. Abra una nueva ventana y pegue el enlace nuevamente en la barra de direcciones:
4. Cuando el formulario se abra nuevamente, repita los pasos 1 y 2.
Email *
Welcome Grade 9 Students, from Bisbee High School Counselor, Ms Maria Asaro
Please write your first name below:
Please write your last name below (include two-part last names, if you have one):
Date of birth *
What is your date of birth?
Parent/Guardian Name: *
As indicated, you should complete this form with your parent or guardian.  Please type their name, or names, below.
Email/Phone of Parent or Guardian. *
If your parent or guardian has an email address, please type it below. If they do not have an email address, please include a phone number where they can be reached to discuss. your schedule. If you don't know, put I don't know and come back to fill in later.
Previous school *
What is the name of your previous school?
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