Exemplary Kinship/Grandfamilies Policies, Practices, and Program Application 


One of the goals of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center (Network) is to demonstrate measurable increases in the number of identified exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs implemented by state, tribal, and territorial agencies, and community-based organizations. 

To support that goal, Network staff, partners, and subject matter experts will review kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs, select exemplary ones, create tools to replicate them, and widely promote them. The designation of “exemplary” includes policies, practices, and programs that are evidence-based or evidence-informed, but such evidence is not required to be considered exemplary by the Network. We welcome the submission of policies, practices, and programs that have anecdotal or empirical evidence as well as those with characteristics associated with effectiveness. These can include policies, practices, and programs that have a long tenure, consistently high rates of participation, or those that are passed down over generations.  

A submission may focus on a distinct policy, practice, or program, including a culturally based or culturally specific program, or it may incorporate elements of multiple policies, practices, and programs. Exemplary efforts that promote cross-system collaboration on behalf of kinship/grandfamilies are of particular interest. While it is not necessary to specify whether your submission is a policy, practice, or program, we are providing the following definitions and examples related to grandfamilies and kinship supports, for informational purposes:  

Policy:  Statute, regulation, manual, guidance, training  

Practice: How policies are implemented 

  • Example: Tailored training for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) staff on kinship/grandfamilies, their needs and strengths, and how to help them apply for child-only grants
Program: A model of practice 
  • Example: Services provided to grandfamily/kinship caregivers by an Area Agency on Aging through the National Family Caregiver Support Program  

Policies, practices, and programs within and across the critical systems serving kinship/grandfamilies will be selected, as will those related to kinship navigation, and other community-based services. The state/tribal/territorial government systems of focus are:

  • Aging/Elders/Seniors
  • Child welfare
  • Disability
  • Eduction
  • Housing
  • Medicaid and Medicare
  • Nutrition
  • TANF

Selection Process 

The Network will have a multi-step review process to determine designation as an exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policy, practice, or program. Throughout that process, Network staff members will work collaboratively with applicants. The identification and selection process includes the following steps: 

  • Jurisdictions and organizations identify promising kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs. In addition, Network subject matter experts identify key policies, practices, and programs in their areas of expertise, and the responsible entities are invited to apply. Jurisdictions and organizations that presented their policy, practice, or program during the Network’s regional and tribal convenings, held in May and June 2022, are also encouraged to apply. 
  • Jurisdictions and organizations submit their applications. 

  • Starting September 16, Network staff members review materials and gather additional information (possibly including a site visit), as needed.

  • Network staff, subject matter experts, and partners make a final decision about whether to designate a specific policy, practice, or program as an exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policy, practice, or program.

  • Those policies, practices, and programs that are designated as exemplary are listed on the Network website. 

  • Network staff, subject matter experts, and partners create a practical, written resource about each exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policy, practice, and program to facilitate replication by other jurisdictions and organizations. These resources will be featured on the Network website as they become available.  

The goal is to designate at least 25 kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs as “exemplary” by 2024 (year three of the Network’s federal cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living). 

For a kinship/grandfamilies policy, practice, or program to be considered “exemplary,” it should be well-defined, meet the needs of its intended recipients consistently and effectively, and be sustainable over time. We anticipate that the submissions will include policies, practices, and programs at varying stages of evaluation. Some have an existing evidence base, others adapted from evidence-based programs to reflect cultural or geographical differences, and others have anecdotal or empirical evidence of success. The Network welcomes varying types of submissions.  


Click HERE if you'd like to review the application in full before applying.

Please complete and submit this application for your kinship/grandfamilies policy, practice, or program to be considered for designation as “exemplary.” We encourage you to keep answers concise and apply as soon as possible. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and exemplary kinship/grandfamilies policies, practices, and programs will be posted on the Network’s website as they are designated. The review of applications will begin on September 16, 2022, and the final deadline for applications is November 16, 2022. If you need assistance with the application or have any questions, please contact Melissa Devlin, Assistant Director, Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network, at mdevlin@gu.org.  

For information about the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network, visit our landing page on the Generations United website. Our website is coming soon!

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