Deconfining Project 

As part of the Deconfining project, CFW-Culture Funding Watch is launching a study aimed at conducting an indepth analysis of artistic and cultural mobility in Africa. We invite you to complete the form below.

The project "Deconfining arts, culture, and policies in Europe and Africa" aims to establish new equitable cultural connections between Europe and Africa. Through enhanced collaboration between the two continents, the project brings together cultural practitioners, policymakers, stage artists, media/visual artists, on-the ground universities, and audiences from both continents.

Together, they are exploring and showcase innovative methods of intercontinental artistic and cultural cooperation, thereby contributing to a better understanding of confinement patterns from diverse perspectives in an intercontinental context. The project leaders aspire to move away from paternalistic and colonial perspectives in favor of a robust participatory approach, providing enhanced access and information for intercontinental mobility and transnational co-creation.

Join us in shaping the future of cultural mobility in Africa by participating in our research!

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