Seeing yourself / Seeing Others @ OyoUnity


How do we negotiate respectful and empowering settings in portraying others? How does it feel when I'm no longer behind the camera but in front of it? Which ways and possibilities can we use, to queer, recode and deconstruct power structures connected to photography? These questions will guide us through our two-part* workshop where we want to find out how photography can function as a tool and be part of a practice of queer liberation. Participants can be beginners as well as advanced photographers.

Workshop 1 - Self-Portraits:

In the first workshop we will experiment with putting ourselves in front of the camera. For this, we will look at self-portraiture in queer art history, talk about our imaginations, try to help each other realise them, and speak about the photographs we will take. We will be supported by instant photography, through which we can directly see how the image comes to life and at the same time gives us a kind of ownership over the image. 

Workshop 2 - Portraits:

In the second workshop we focus on photographing each other. In the theoretical part, we will talk about power positions as photographers and how we can deal with it in a reflective way, with which intentions we photograph others and how we can make portrait photography more participatory. Practically, we will also work with instant photography in this workshop. 

Participants can present their results at the end of the Tiny House Project at a group exhibition. 

* It is not mandatory to participate in both parts. 


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Pronouns (voluntary)
Which workshop(s) do you want to participate in? *
We will mostly use the urban space for our practice but we will also provide a backdrop and fabrics. Feel free to think about props or personal items you would like to bring to the workshops to incorporate them into your photos. 
We are already super excited to meet you and get to know y'all! Sophie and Jasper <3
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