UNYA Aalborg - Volunteer Sign-up
We are a youth-led (15-35 y.o.), non-profit organization that works to promote and raise awareness amongst youth about the United Nations, as well as UN-affiliated causes, values, and issues. We want to be a place where empathetic, passionate youth can show up, engage, and learn about the world. We want to enable anyone with ideas on how to improve the state of the world or support of the Global Goals to engage in one of our teams and/or working group to be given tools to impact their local community and be heard by a motivated and globally minded audience.
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Email *
Name *
Do you confirm being between 15 and 35 y.o.? *
Are you based in Aalborg? *
Becoming a volunteer in a team or working group
People are part of UNYA Aalborg in many different ways. Some join our events, others are part of a team or working group. Every team and working group has their niche. You can always sign-up for a team to hear more about it. UNYA is what you make it!    
Pick a team or working group (you can chose more than one) *
What are your motivations to join the UN Youth Association in Aalborg? *
GDPR -  you are giving UNYA the permission to process your personal data specifically for the purpose identified, and store the information for up to 2 years. You have the right to withdraw your consent by contacting UNYA Aalborg at any time. If you have any complaints, UNYA Aalborg should be contacted immediately. UNYA does not account for and can not be held responsible for third party access caused by hacking of our communication platform. *
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