Neighbor-Led Projects Request Form
Grants support teams of 3 or more Highland neighbors requesting up to $1,000 to implement any idea that benefits neighbors and/or our neighborhood.

If you have additional questions, please email We would love to chat about your ideas!  This program is made possible by support from First Presbyterian Church of Shreveport.
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What is the name of the project?
What is the location(s) where the project will happen?
Who is the primary contact for this project?
What is the primary contact's email and phone number?
Please describe proposed project. (Consider: What, how, where, who, why? What is the benefit of the project to neighbors and the Highland area? How will you know your grant project is completed and has been successful? Why Highland and why now?)
Please list the project timeline and deadlines.
Please list at least 3 team members currently residing within the official Highland boundaries with addresses (including project leader) who will lead and complete the project. Also, please briefly include information on members of the team who have experience or expertise relevant to the project.
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List each cost for the project. (Example: 2 miniature azaleas @ $15.00 each = $30.00)
Total Amount Requested ($1,000 or less)
Is there anything else the Review Committee should know?
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