Overcoming a Goalkeeper's Worst Moments
Thank you for taking time to participate in Everybody Soccer's "Overcoming a Goalkeeper's Worst Moments" survey.

One of the core values to the "goalkeeper union" is that goalkeepers can relate with one another over the difficulties of the position, something outsiders likely do not understand. This project is aimed at shedding light on the ups and downs of a goalkeeper's life in order to educate those unfamiliar with the position and share our story with those in similar places. Mistakes are an aspect to the game that all goalkeepers of every level must overcome and hopefully this can be a helpful read for goalkeepers, young or old, who struggle with the mental weight of the position.

After detailing how you overcame a low moment in your playing career, please take the time to brag about yourself in the following questions about your best moment! Although the juxtaposition of the two may seem odd, I wanted to both display a goalkeeper's journey in overcoming a low moment, as well as taking time to celebrate a goalkeeper's success.

All goalkeepers of all levels are welcomed to complete the survey. If you are eight years old, a current professional, a retired veteran who played for a club that doesn't exist anymore, or anything in between, you are encouraged to share your story!

Goalkeepers are welcome to write as much as they like. If video is available, please link it (or at least describe the event well enough for me to search it myself). The more details and relatable the event, the better : )

As long as the answers are coherent and a contact email is listed, the answers will be published on EverybodySoccer.com.


- Bill Reno

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1. What was one of the worst moments in your playing career as a goalkeeper? Why was it a low point for you? (You don't have to go into too much detail here! Just as long as the reader understands why the moment was frustrating. If video is available, you can write less but if it is not, you may need to explain the situation a little bit more for readers.) *
2. How did you overcome the setback? (Please be specific in what worked for YOU! Although overarching sentiments can be used, we're looking for details here. You can list who or what helped you rebound, what you avoided, a change in your routine, etc.) *
If there is available video of the mistake, please link it here (or give me an idea of what to search for):
3. What was one of the most successful moments you experienced as a goalkeeper? (This does not have to be related to the first question, although it can be. Simply recall a highlight of your career! It can be on or off the field, but ideally related to being a goalkeeper in some capacity.)
4. Why was this moment was so important to you? Although there may be an individual or team award/accomplishment tied to this moment, please include the intangible aspects as well. Consider how the achievement made you feel and why it was so impactful. *
If there is available video of the success, please link it here (or give me an idea of what to search for):
5. What is your name? (First and last name) *
6. If not stated before, what teams were you playing with? (Name both in order, if the two events were with different teams.) *
Contact email (if you wish for this to be published on EverybodySoccer.com)
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