Present your Anti-racism research at Research!Louisville 2022
Research!Louisville (R!L) will celebrate its 27th anniversary of health-related research Sept. 19-23. As racism is a fundamental driver of health inequities, it is vital that anti-racism research is highlighted during this annual week-long symposium. The goal is to not only support the anti-racism research that is already occurring at our institution and in our community, but also to encourage others to engage in this type of research which will impact racial inequities.

Those who are conducting anti-racism related research are invited to submit a short online application to present their research on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Selected applicants will be given time to present their research to in-person and virtual audiences, with time for questions at the end of the allotted time. Presentations will begin at noon and conclude at 2 p.m. in room 124 of the Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building (KCCTRB) on the Health Sciences Campus. Those applicants who are not selected to present are invited to create and display a poster of their research as a part of this program, so that their efforts can also be viewed and celebrated at this annual event.

All applications should be submitted by 5 p.m., Friday Sept. 2. Applications submitted after this time will not be considered for this year.  

Below is the information which should be submitted and key details the selection committee will be using to guide selections.

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Email *
Title of research *
Presenting Author (include titles) *
Position *
Co-authors (if applicable)
Summary of Research *
How is the research focused on anti-racism? *
How objective/hypothesis of research can impact racism? *
Methods *
Results *
Conclusion *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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