Contact Form
Thank you so much for considering us!

We currently specialize in the following services:
  • Grant Review and Editing (Federal or Private/Foundation Grants)
  • NOFO/NOA Review and Checklist Preparation
  • Grant Auditing (Going through prior proposals to see what went wrong and where there was room for improvement)
If you need services other than the ones we provide (grant research, grant writing, grant budgets) we can recommend grant writing firms we've personally worked with and make an introduction for you. 
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Full Name *
Email *
Organization Name *
Your role at the organization *
Are you a non-profit organization? *
Does your organization have IRS tax exemption status?
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Please provide a link to your website below.
If no website, type NA
How did you hear about us? *
What services are you interested in? *
If you selected that you needed assistance with a specific grant application, please let us know which grant you are applying to, the deadline, and a provide a link to the grant.
Please describe the program or project in need of funding.
We comply with the ethical standards set forth by the Grant Professionals Association (GPA).

As such, we will not accept contingency, deferred payment, or percentage of a grant award as compensation for services.

Initial payment must be received before work begins and full payment is due upon completion of the grant service, regardless of whether the grant is awarded. Please indicate that you understand and accept this policy. *
Do you have a start date in mind?
Thank you for your time. Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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