BTU New Educators Committee-- Join our leadership team!
Please complete this form using a non-BPS personal email address.

The mission of the BTU New Educators Committee is to arrange social events and connect early-career educators with each other and with resources to help them survive and thrive through their first few years in BPS. As a union committee we also strive to identify and develop potential leaders by introducing new members to union structures and opportunities for involvement.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Are you interested in being part of the New Educators Committee leadership team? (Members of the leadership team make a commitment of meeting once every two months and to advise, plan, and assist with outreach) *
Are you interested in being a co-chair for the New Educators Committee? (Co-chairs are part of the leadership team, help to set the direction of the committee, and stay in regular contact with union staff to make sure plans are moving forward) *
What interests you in getting involved? What ideas do you have for social events and other ways the BTU can support new members? *
Any questions?
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