願望成真基金7月20日(港島區)賣旗日義工申請表 Volunteer Application Form for  Flag Day 20 July (Hong Kong Island Region) Make-A-Wish Hong Kong 

如任何查詢,歡迎致電3101 1158或電郵至flagday@makeawish.org.hk

Thank you for your support! Volunteer registration for Make-A-Wish Hong Kong Flag Day 20.07.2024 (Hong Kong Island Region) has been closed. However, you may visit the official website (https://www.makeawishhkstore.com/?locale=en) to donate or order memorabilia to support us to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses!

For any inquiries about flag day, please contact us via phone call at 3101 1158 or email at flagday@makeawish.org.hk.
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