"Launched" Podcast Guest Application
"Launched" is a podcast where host Charlie Chapman interviews guests about their process and experiences launching an app or product out into the world.  If you've released something to the world (or have plans to in the near future) we'd would love to hear your story.

Note: We regularly get applications and have a pretty limited schedule for booking guests, so if you don't hear back don't be discouraged.  Feel free to apply again if you ever have another launch in the future.
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Name *
How can I contact you?  Email, Twitter, ect *
What apps, products, podcasts, youtube channels, ect have you launched?  If this is for a future release, around what time do you plan on launching?
If you have a beta I could join or a promo code let me know here.  (Definitely not a requirement!)
What time zone do you live in?
Do you have a website or social media accounts I should check out to see your work? (totally optional)
Do you have a dedicated microphone for recording and do you have any previous podcasting experience? (this is not a requirement but does help)
Thanks for your interest!  If you ever release anything new in the future, feel free to reach out again.
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