Intern Request Form/MOU
We hope to see CYAK interns flourish through a guided practical learning experience, growing in their gifts and their sense of call to ministry as the local church benefits from their service.  

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Goals in connecting a CYAK Intern with a church or ministry:
*Developing  young adults into future Alaskan church leaders through immersion into a ministry experience that will help them discern and prepare for their next step in ministry/vocation.
*Developing a mentoring relationship between the intern and the supervising pastor or ministry leader.
*A healthy setting, which provides constructive evaluation of the intern as well as space for spiritual growth.
*A financial arrangement that does not create a hardship for the intern. The local church and the intern agree on housing, stipend, goals, time off and general expectations before the internship begins.

Expectations for the CYAK Intern (can be customized for church or ministry needs):
*At least 10-20 hours of service committed to the church or ministry per week.
*Meet weekly with a pastor or ministry leader for prayer, spiritual direction and growth, consultation, encouragement and guidance.
*Check in daily with the supervisor for review, assignments and feedback.
*Send monthly ministry updates to, participate in CYAK Team Conference Calls, trainings, serve at regional youth events.

Expectations for the local church or ministry:
*Provide clear and well-defined ministry responsibilities for the intern (i.e. job description).
*Provide a clear start date and end date for the internship.
*Provide a pastor or ministry leader to meet weekly with the intern for prayer, spiritual direction and growth, consultation, encouragement and guidance, availability in answering questions.
*Determine with CYAK who the intern supervisor will be and the supervisor will check in daily with the intern to provide job direction, clarification, assignments and goals.
*Conduct mid term assessment and evaluation with the intern and send to CYAK.
*Conduct end of term assessment and evaluation with intern and send to CYAK.

Name of Partnering Church/Ministry Organization *
Contact Person Representing Partnering Church/Ministry Organization *
Contact's Office/Cell Phone Number *
Contact's Email Address *
Partnering Church/Ministry Organization's Mailing Address *
Please check any of the following requirements you would have for an intern: *
Please check any of the following resources your church or ministry would be able to provide an intern: *
If your church/ministry is able to provide a stipend to an intern, please indicate the amount per month (stipend should be sent to CYAK with "internships" in the memo): *
What areas are most needed in your church/ministry: *
Is it acceptable that the intern work part-time in the community during  his/her internship? *
How many hours/week are you expecting an intern to work with your church/ministry: *
Please share any additional comments, requirements, or questions: *
By choosing "yes", you are committing to fulfill the requirements and expectations outlined above and to care for the intern as a brother/sister in Christ.  You also understand that CYAK expects the intern to attend CYAK team calls and trainings as well as any relevant youth/young adult events. *
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