HPISD School Board Election
My 3-year term of service on the HPISD school board expires in May.

Please take 60-90 seconds to let me know that you would support my election campaign for another term of service on the HPISD school board by providing the information requested below.

Thank you.

Jae Ellis
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile number
Additional ways to support the Jae Ellis campaign
Please check all that apply:
I would donate $_____.

Any donations would not be accepted before the campaign officially begins.
OTHER -- I would like to support the campaign in some other way:
Please list the names of everybody else in your household, age 18 or older, who would want their names added to the list of supporters of the Jae Ellis campaign.
Residency and Voter Registration
Please select one response: *
Students in my Family
Please select one response: *
Please select one response: *
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