Jackson Powder Hounds New Client Application
Please complete all sections. 
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Email *
Phone Number *
What is your name? *
What is your dog(s) name(s)? *
Are you interested in having your dog join our training-based pack walks? *
We currently offer three pack walks per week. Could you commit to a minimum of 2 days per week? *
What are your preferred days of the week for pack walks? *
What breed is your dog? *
How old is your dog? *
Is your dog spayed/neutered? *
How long have you had your dog? *
How did you come to acquire your dog? *
Please tell us a little bit more about where your dog came from. *
Does your dog have a history of biting/reactivity/anxiety/fears? If so, please describe the situations when you've seen this(these) behavior(s). *
Have you pursued any other formal training? If "yes" please respond to the next question.  *
Please tell us about previous training experiences.
What are your training goals?  *
Does your dog have any health concerns? *
If your dog has health concerns please list them here.
Do you regularly take your dog to the dog park? *
Would you learn how to use an e-collar to communicate with your dog? *
Tell us about your dog's diet/feeding schedule/dietary restrictions/food motivation. Would you be willing to make changes to their feeding routine? *
Tell us about your home dynamic. Do you have roommates? A partner? Any other pets? If so, what type? Children in the home? If so, how many and how old?  *
Where do you live? Please provide your address and type of home (apartment/condo/house). *
How many hours a week do you work? *
Do you work from home? *
Do you have a yard?
How many months out of the year do you live in Jackson? *
How did you hear about us? *
Who referred you?
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