Non-Verbal Cues
This lesson was taken from the Power for Youth Worksheet #15 and aligned to ALS Learning Strand 1: Communication Skills.
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Desired Competency
Properly interpret auditory signals for warnings or survival messages such as ringing of church bells, fire alarms, and typhoon signals.

Learning Intent
Identify and demonstrate examples of non-verbal communication.
Value Emphasis
The value of showing empathy towards others by acknowledging and sensing their non-verbal cues and gestures
For ALS Teacher's Reference
These competency/ies mapped against:
- ALS 2.0 curriculum: LS1CS/EN-L-PSA-BL-5 Distinguish non-verbal communication in listening and speaking skills
- MYDEV Module No. 2: Interpersonal Communication, Session 1, Activity No. 2

Mindanao Youth for Development Project. (2016). Module 2: Interpersonal communication facilitator’s manual, MyDevLife skills curriculum, pp. 8-10.
Remland, M. S. (2004). Nonverbal communication in everyday life (2nd ed.). United States: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Wood, J. (2010). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Boston, MA: Wadsworth-Cengage Learning.

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