2024 Spring Ball Manager Interest Form 
MANAGER / COACH APPLICATION - The mission of the Oceanside American Little League is to provide a safe, supportive environment for the children of our community in which to learn sportsmanship, teamwork, skills and a respect for the game of baseball. The Managers and Coaches of Oceanside American Little League are the most important part of our organization. They are in a position to greatly determine the quality of each player’s experience. Oceanside American Little League strives to select those individuals for managing and coaching positions who will best exemplify the values of the Little League Baseball. The League will support the managers and coaches through coaching clinics, safety clinics and other activities designed to enhance their teaching and leadership skills and knowledge. There are no vested managers or coaches in Little League Baseball. Each manager and coach must apply each season. Prospective candidates will be evaluated on the following: leadership, teaching ability, commitment, enjoyment, organizational skills, sportsmanship, past experience and their ability to be a role model for their team. The Managers and Coaches Committee will evaluate each candidate and will then recommend the approved candidates to the President and the full board of directors for confirmation and team assignments.  
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Are you wanting to Manage a team or just assist? *
Do you have a child registered with us? *
Division Interested in Managing/ Coaching  *
Have you coached or managed with us before? *
If you answered yes what season and team?
What is your coaching experience? If you have none don't worry we will help provide you the tools to have a successful season with us  *
What league (s) have you previously coached with?
Shirt Size *
3 Potential Team Colors. We do not offer green jerseys in the spring. We like to leave that for our allstar uniforms.  *
Anything else you'd like us to know? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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