It's A Party! It's A Purpose! It's Everything HBCU!
We are seeking alumni and experts in various fields who are competent and comfortable in discussing the issues of the day, p
romote programs, alumni engagement, events and ventures of the alum or services that may benefit our audience. We want to highlight the intelligence, knowledge, skill and wisdom within the HBCU House.
We are also seeking individuals and groups within the group who are willing to be interviewed and featured in articles uplifting the HBCU experience.
If you are interested, please complete this form as we compile a list of experts to disseminate to bloggers, vloggers, podcast hosts and traditional journalists. Not only is this a great way to give you exposure, it also promotes your HBCU.
We thank you in advance for taking time from your busy schedule to complete this form. This information will not be sold or used for any other purpose than the previously expressed intent.
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