We Authors Second-Language Writing Website |  Faculty Onboarding Form
Thank you for your interest in using the We Authors | Second-Language Writing site (https://slweauthors.commons.gc.cuny.edu/) in your teaching! In order to display your language students' writing on the site:

(1) Make sure you have a CUNY Academic Commons account, and that you can log in to it.
(2) Complete this form.

Questions? Contact us at iletc@gc.cuny.edu
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Email *
Last name, First name *
Once you are sure you can log in to the CUNY Academic Commons, what is the email address or username associated with your CUNY Academic Commons account? *
What is your CUNY Campus? *
Name and number of Course 1 where you will use We Authors | Second-Language Writing

Language of Course 1 *
Name and number of Course 2 where you will use We Authors | Second-Language Writing (optional)
Language of Course 2
Name and number of Course 3 where you will use We Authors | Second-Language Writing (optional)
Language of Course 3
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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