UAV Part 5 Post-Test
FOR 4340/6340
Please rate your familiarity with remote sensing. *
Please define remote sensing. *
A drone is a common term for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)? *
Please rate your familiarity with UAVs/drones. *
Which of the following is a product that CANNOT be created using a UAV? *
A UAV is an important tool for gathering information for natural resource research. *
What is the average pixel resolution for images taken by a UAV? *
Is the operatation of a UAV during flight typically a manual process or an automated process? *
What is the end result of a typical UAV flight? *
To create an orthophoto and a digital surface model (DSM) you need to: *
The UAV simulation and laboratory was an effective way to learn about using UAVs for natural resource reserach. *
Please write about your favorite experience in this laboratory exercise. *
Please provide constructive criticism for improving this laboratory exercise. *
Please add any other comments about this experience. *
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