TechCrunch Live's Pitch Practice Application
Thanks for applying for TechCrunch Live's Pitch Practice!

Please note a few things:

1) Applications are only good for one TechCrunch Live event, and companies must apply each week.
2) Companies accepted for Pitch Practice will be notified by email.
3) If selected, companies are encouraged to reapply for following Pitch Practice events to show how the pitch changed and evolved from previous feedback.

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Correo *
Presenter's name *
Presenter's email address *
Company Name *
Company URL
Company Industry *
Describe the company in a few sentences. *
Give us your elevator pitch.
Amount of funding raised *
Terms & Conditions
For Applications associated with Startup Battlefield programs, the data provided by applicants will be viewed only by the TechCrunch events and editorial teams. The data will be retained unless the applicants request deletion. Requests for deletion should be sent to Startup Battlefield applicants may be contacted for other pitch off events or Startup exhibition opportunities if eligible. By continuing, you agree to TechCrunch's terms & conditions:

Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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