Still cutting your budget or is inflation easing?
U.S. consumers prices were up 6% in February from a year ago. But here in Colorado, we won't know how February went until official data is released later in April. So, tell us, how has your budget changed this year? Still feeling inflation pain or are you planning to splurge soon? Take the latest What's Working poll and share a comment to help us better understand what's going on in Colorado. 

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Compared to last year, how's your household budget?
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What have you cut from your budget?
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What have you added to your budget?
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Was cutting back/splurging worth it? Share a comment
IF APPLICABLE: The Colorado Sun's policy is to not use anonymous sources in order to keep our journalism honest and real. If you wish to remain anonymous, please select this. We may not be able to use your comments but it'll depend on the situation.
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And your contact (email or phone number) in case we need to contact you: 
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