WEBINAR: Development Trends and Challenges in Commercializing CGT Production
26 Jul 2023
8.30-10.00am SGT | Online

Key highlights include:
  • CGT overview and Current market trends
  • Challenges in CGT manufacturing process
  • Barrier System Solution
Led by:

Claire Chong, Technical Application Manager (Singapore), International Business Division, Tofflon

Claire Chong graduated with B.Sc. (Hons) in Biotechnology from University of Liverpool, with more than 8 years of experience in bioprocessing industry, familiar with both upstream and downstream of DS production. Upon graduation she was part of a Singapore government funded research team working on process development for transient protein production. After which she attended 1 year of exchange and training program in USA, focusing on the Single use technology (SUT). Upon returning, Claire has been involved in the start-up of the first fully operational single use facilities in Singapore, where she was supporting the PPQ and production runs for the upstream processes. She was also in charge of the training team where she shares her knowledge of SUT. She has then moved her focus to downstream processes supporting customer within the SEA and TW regions. Part of the technical application team, her role was to support customers in scale-up trials and any downstream application studies, such as TFF, sterile and virus filtration and chromatography solutions. She is currently part of Tofflon Singapore Bioprocessing support team, supporting the single use needs for Tofflon’s customers. 
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