Booking form to Tío Jose Coffee Tour
We are only opened under reservation, that's why we need your booking in advance, you don't have to pay in advance, but you need to wait for our email answer to your request. 
You will receive a copy of this form. If you don't receive it it means we didn't get the request from you. So please try again. 
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Email *
Name *
Phone # if reacheable in CR on whatsapp
date of visit:
How many people are coming for the coffee tour? The price is $30 per person 
Children under 10 Year old are free for the coffee tour
what time do you want to be here:
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Agree on waiting for an answer before coming, if you don't get an answer we might not be waiting for you, as we are a small farm.  *
Comments: ask any question, or request something else from us
Aditional services 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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