Express interest in joining the SHARED GREEN DEAL Arena (reserve list only)
Many thanks for your interest in the SHARED GREEN DEAL arena. As per 26 August, we have no more places available. You can still sign up via the form below, after which you will be placed on the reserve list. We will then let you know in case a place becomes available for you.


By filling in this form you express interest** in joining our full-day hybrid co-creation event that will take place on Tuesday the 4th of October in Brussels. During this event we will explore pathways to achieving the EU Green deal in the following 6 topic areas: clean energy, circular economy, efficient renovations, sustainable mobility, sustainable food, and preserving biodiversity.

We are organising this as a hybrid event: meaning there are people joining the event in-person and online. We will ensure that the online participants will be fully involved in all activities.

In addition, there will be one introductory webinar on Friday the 16th of September, 10.00-13.00 hrs (CET) to outline the broader project and share some preliminary insights, so we can hit the ground running in October.

Finally, an optional follow-up webinar will be organised on the afternoon of the 1st of December (14.00-17.00 CET), to present and discuss the outcomes of the event on the 4th of October - and get your insights on potential trade-offs and feedbacks

Thanks for your interest!
The DRIFT team, on behalf of the SHARED GREEN DEAL consortium

**We will only use your contact information to approach you about these three SHARED GREEN DEAL Arena events. After these three events your information will be deleted. The SHARED GREEN DEAL general privacy notice is available here: 
If you prefer to be kept in the loop on what happens in the SHARED GREEN DEAL project, then please register for our newsletter:
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Your first name? *
Your surname? *
Your organisation? *
You gender *
Your position/role at your organisation? *
The website of your organisation?
Are you linked to one (or more) of the 73 Green Deal H2020 projects that is funded by the European Commission? If so, what is the name of the project/s?
If the answer is no, you can leave this blank.
Is your organisation part of one of the SHARED GREEN DEAL partner networks?
How did you become aware of the SHARED GREEN DEAL Arena? *
Why are you interested in participating in the SHARED GREEN DEAL Arena? *
Which of the six main SHARED GREEN DEAL priority areas do you have experience with / are interested in discussing? *
You can find more detailed info on these priority areas on our website:
While the 4th of October will be our main event, we are also organising two additional online moments. Which of these days are you planning on attending? *
You can express your interest in joining the 4th of October workshop in person in the next question.
Are you interested in joining the our hybrid co-creation workshop on the 4th of October in person? *
Note that we cannot cover travel and accommodation costs, but we will offer coffee, lunch, and drinks during the day
Important if you have indicated interest in joining in person on the 4th of October in Brussels: Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If you have not expressed interest in joining in person, you can leave this blank.
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Are you OK with your name and organisation being added to the participant list of the Arena final report? *
I understand that participation is upon selection only and that I am not guaranteed a place. *
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