Mobile Avalanche Classroom Visit Request
Friends of CAIC is excited to roll out a new mobile classroom trailer during the 23/24 season. Our Trailhead Outreach Team will be conducting 30 minute "Avalanche Aware" AIAIRE classes at several locations throughout the state. If you have an idea or request for a location/class, please fill out all the information below. Not all requests can be fulfilled.
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Trailer inside view
Name (first/last) *
Email *
Describe the location where you would like a trailer visit *
Please keep in mind parking location, traffic, load in, load out, road conditions, level, and other factors when moving and placing a 20 foot trailer (see below photo)
Friends of CAIC Trailer and Truck
Date requested visit *
Any notes on the date? (Flexibility, multi day request, timing needs)
If someone other than the FoCAIC TOP team would be conducting classes (awareness or other), please describe:
How will you drive visitors to the classes? *
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