GT Protocol Ambassador Participation Application Form
This group will have a total capacity of 100 people and these 100 people will benefit from NFT and USDT Rewards by fulfilling certain tasks within the group. There will be various tasks on Twitter and Telegram channels within the group. We will have studies that will not tire you and will not affect your daily life. Can you make a basic contribution to GT Protocol? Apply now ! 
Join The Group and Fill the form below 👇

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Email *
Join the Ambassador application telegram channel 
How Many Follower's Do You Have TikTok ? 
How Many Follower's Dou You Have İn İnstagram ? 
How Many Follower's Do You Have İn Twitter ? 
Write your İnstagram link below  👇
Write your TikTok link below  👇
Write your Twitter link below 👇
Do you actively use Twitter?*
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Do you actively use Telegram?*

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How long can you be active in GT Protocol  Army during the day?*

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Enter your Metamask BSC Address It will be required for NFT  and USDT Rewards.*

Write Your Twitter Account*

Please write your Telegram address where we can reach you*

Briefly Why You Want to Join the GT Protocol  Army*

Can you continue to use Telegram and Twitter by adding  '' GT Protocol '' to the name? (  Example  : Jesica | GT Protocol ) 
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