@kathykhobeauty Makeup Service Inquiry
Hi there, thanks for your interest in Kathy Kho's makeup services! Kathy Kho is a freelance makeup artist in New York City, available for travel for weddings and events.

Complete this form to inquire for availability, view service rates, and tell Kathy your makeup needs.

Booking & Deposit Policy: For all services, a flat rate deposit is required to officially book services and hold your date. The deposit acts as a security fee which Kathy would retain in the case you have to cancel with less than 72 hours' notice, and if Kathy has to cancel for any reason, it will be refunded to you or put towards a rescheduled date if applicable.

Completing this form does NOT mean your date is officially booked.
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How did you hear about Kathy Kho Beauty?
Purpose of Makeup *
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